Without an online site your business is missing out on a lot of potential sales. In the United States alone there are 209 million digital shoppers. The reach a brand can gain on the internet is endless and you deserve your designated spot. More so during the crisis, customers want to trust and rely on your e-commerce business. Your brand’s online presence should be at an all-time high. Having an online store will give you global access 24/7, tremendously expand your audience, help develop new relationships and opportunities, and gives your brand flexibility. With the right time, patience, guidance, and effort your e-commerce business will rank in sales.


1. Include your Location and Contact Details on your Site

On a website one of the first things customers look for is verification from your company. This may include your brand’s address and phone number. Providing your location and contact information makes it simpler for leads to transform into real-life customers in the long run. Configuring optimizations such as Google Place listings can make it visually easy for your visitors to find your location. It also goes without saying, it is more professional and makes users feel more comfortable. When a visitor knows how to reach or contact you they are more inclined to purchase from you. You need your customers and potential leads a bit more than they need you, so make them feel secure. Assure sure that the location and contact details on your site are visual, and audible to all users so they are easily able to map your business.


2. Use Easy Payment Methods on your Site

Every successful online store uses a payment gateway, which is a software application that allows for authorization when customers purchase from your site. This will allow for your company to accept easier payments to run a successful and smoother business. When a customer reaches your site and is finally ready to purchase, it should be very convenient for them. Some popular payment gateways are: Stripe, SecurePay, ApplePay, PayPal, Square, etc. Every business wants a payment gateway that aligns with their business and will help them grow. Being that the payment gateway is the final step of the sales process, it should be a breeze. This is why when selecting your perfect payment gateway you should do some research and know exactly what your business wants to accomplish with this gateway. Some features to look forward to with a payment gateway are: Integration, encryption, and payment information storage which will make things much easier for your business.



3. Web Accessibility

Accessibility is a requirement not a bonus! No matter their capabilities, impairments, or age, it is important for all site visitors to be able to access your site. A good online store knows to make their website accessible for everyone to easily purchase products. Having web accessibility on your site will also help you reach larger audiences for your brand. Reaching your impaired users can be extremely easy with web accessibility. By adding accessible links and pictures, you are likely to see an increase in visually impaired users. Your site’s goal is to ensure that all users will be able to access, use, and purchase swiftly without any problems or hesitations.


4. Look for Paid Marketing

Most successful websites run paid marketing for their brands on social media platforms. This is the norm, since there are over 2.95 billion people using social media. I would imagine you would want your brand to get some display on these platforms. With paid marketing your brand receives exposure to multiple audiences who browse social media. In our daily lives we see paid marketing campaigns more than we know. They can include sponsored posts on Facebook, Instagram, and high rankings on Google that are ultimately placements on social platforms that you purchase. Products that do well for paid marketing are usually things you can purchase in stores or at a mall. Customers look for convenience, consistency, and something that relates to them. To get the most of your brands paid marketing make sure each advertisement is eye catching, relatable, easy to comprehend, and has great price-matching.



Any good brand knows that an online website is an absolute must. I hope our tips have driven you in the right direction to creating your brand’s most effective online experience. Living in a World where social media platforms, and internet connection is almost essential we want you to increase your reach and expand your business. Not only will it eliminate the geographical limitations from not being in-stores, it can also eliminate your real estate bills. Remember during the crisis almost everyone is virtual. Knowing this, your users needs and wants should have first priority and are extremely important to have a successful business whether online or in-store. Don’t be afraid to be creative with your site and try new things you believe your audience will gravitate towards. Just go ahead and start your online business today, you wont regret it!

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