Your conversion rate is the percentage that informs you of how well your visitors are responding to the action or desired goal you have set for them. Your conversion rate totals the overall number of visitors and ratios it with those who are completing the action. Successful marketing and creative web designs will help with a high conversion rate. A high conversion rate means that people are engaging with what you’re offering, and it is easily accessible and convenient to them. Most good website conversion rates have an average of 2%, and some sites only have a ranking of 0.1 to 0.2%. To get the best out of your website conversion check out our 10 simple ways to increase your rate.  

Provide Social Proof on your Site

When users come to your website they expect to see testimonials from others who have tried your services. Once a viewer has looked at your site’s testimonials and reviews they are more likely to give you a try. Any good brand knows that customers need a reduced risk and social proof for customers to be more inclined to purchase from them. You may use them on your landing pages, and website to show customers and potential leads that you are not afraid to show how people review your services. Showing social proof on your site ultimately is a great conversion rate optimization tactic, to ease the mind of your potential leads. 

Removing unnecessary fields on your site

Have you noticed a certain section on your website has declined in engagement or gets no use at all? This is probably a sign that you should remove it because it is unnecessary and irrelevant to your target audience. As for you, if something is useless you are most likely going to avoid it and use something else. Don’t let that be the case for your website. You want everything on your site to be easily accessible, relevant, and effective to your customers. The only fields you should leave are those being used and those that are essential to achieving your overall goal. Each field should have a substantial role on your website and should be kept to a minimum so your customers can easily do the necessary action.

Show Empathy in your Context  

Customers are likely to purchase and take action with brands that appeal to them. This can mean socially, mentally, physically, or spiritually. Your audience wants to know they can rely on you when having a rough day. Your context should be simple, empathetic, and meaningful to your audience. During the pandemic would be the perfect time to empathize with your customers as you know most are at home going through a difficult time. Visitors come to your site for a reason so, market to them and let them know you care with the content you put out. You want to make it as easy as possible for a customer and increase their motivation to purchase. To convert a lead to a customer you must first understand them, and learn how you can solve and speak to their specific needs. 

Using a compelling value proposition 

A brand’s value proposition is the reason why your customers and potential leads to purchase from you. It is the primary reason why people consider your brand over the competitors, what value do you offer people? The main two questions customers come across are “Why should I purchase from here?” and “Why should I purchase this?”. This is where your clear value proposition should come into place. Your brand should have a clear explanation as to why people should purchase from you, what they will get out of it. Be different from your competitors and their offerings, create a value proposition that requires reflection upon your unique brand, and efficiently communicate with your audience. To know what your customers need is to know when, and why they will buy. Make sure your value proposition aligns with your companies overall values, and optimize it to show continuous progress, understanding, and comprehension of your audience. 

Remove all distractions from your site

A website that displays too many options will either confuse, irritate, or overwhelm customers, which is a no-go. Having a website that has too many directions distracts the main goal of the overall brand, and direct actions you want people to take. When someone visits your site it should be easily accessible, and straight to the point. A landing page should be the easiest and concise, and simplest webpage ever. The landing page is a web page you can offer a resource on from your website in exchange for a visitor’s contact information while teaching or providing your lead with informational benefits to your services. This page is a great example of how a page should be straight to the point, clear, and easy to navigate. On these pages, only the necessary information will be there, and what is not essential will find its place elsewhere. 

Examining the right user

Every person interacts with a web page differently. Thus meaning, a new audience will interact with your brand differently than an existing customer. When an existing customer revisits your site they know how to navigate, the offerings to decide from, what’s to come next, and what is to be expected. As for a new audience, or new lead they do not know much about your site or brand. This is where differentiating new from existing customers is extremely ideal. A new user is likely to spend more time on your site and view more pages to see exactly what you offer, if and how it can help them, and the value of your product. Knowing what people are looking for before they arrive will better help your brand service new and existing customers while increasing your conversion rate. Examining these different behavioral patterns in groups will allow your business to know more about different audiences and how to help them.

Answering users questions, and providing adequate evidence

All good brands should make sure they take the time to answer all questions on their site and support it with appropriate evidence. When users come onto your site they may have questions and if so, they should be able to ask a sales representative on your team and get a clear answer. Ultimately your site should emulate a conversation with a sales representative from your team and a prospective lead. Usually, when purchasing new products or searching for new service users need to feel confident in purchasing what you may offer. This starts by answering any questions they may have about your products and keeping in mind that the concerns and questions of your audience become your own. After answering the questions, you should provide evidence to support your claims. Evidence can be correlated to graphs, testimonials, real results, social proof, etc. All good companies know that evidence is a vital piece in converting a lead to a customer, as they want to see that others have put their trust in you. After a user reviews your evidence and has the answer to their question, they are more likely to take action.

Having good CTA (Call-to-Action)

Having a CTA is extremely important for increasing your site’s conversion rates. CTA is an acronym that represents a call to action. This action button is used by brands to achieve a certain goal or action from their prospective lead or customer. Use and categorize your CTA for its specific needs and make sure that it is appealing to your audience. Since this is the action that will most likely transform users to customers, make sure that it aligns with your overall goal. Using the appropriate CTA’s will also eliminate user confusion as it will point them in the proper direction. Configuring new and updated CTA’s that are useful, relatable, and convenient for your audience is ideal and will help increase your website’s conversion rates. 

Humanizing your Brand with videos

A quick and simple way to get your customers closer, more engaged, and active is with a video that is relatable to them. It is proven that words are the weakest way to market to an audience, and visuals are far more impactful. Adding and creating videos for your brand is one of the simplest ways to increase your conversion rate. Allowing visualization for visitors shows them that your brand is personable and there are real humans working here. In the video, you can show something that represents your brand, or how to complete a specific action you want customers to take. The options are limitless for your brand, and you should take advantage of this. Create a small concept for your brand to follow, construct a video, and I assure you that your conversion rate will increase on your website. 


Your website’s conversion rate tracks how well and responsive customers and visitors are to the action you want them to take. Usually, successful brands with great conversion rates average from about 2%. Rankings in between 0.1 – 0.2% represents that brand may need some help. We hope that our quick 9 steps to increase your conversion rate has helped you. We want your brand to be as successful as it can be. Don’t be afraid to reread these steps, try them again, or add to them. 

If you need help with better conversions please contact us today! 


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